I am PhD-researcher at the University of Amsterdam & University of Antwerp, affiliated with the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. My research explores how to design for somaesthetic qualities in the human-computer relationship through performance, music and dance to develop alternative paradigms for health and well-being. I develop methods for performative inquiry to study embodied knowledge for people with diverse abilities.
In my personal life, I like to learn more about history and its cultural heritage. The picture on the left was taken in the 'Havenkerk' by the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam, when I volunteered for co-assessing their depot attributes. I explore the craft of opera singing, piano playing, weaving, knitting & sewing techniques as well as dance & movement (DanceAble) to understand how the craft of bodily expressions and sensations works for myself.
For inquiries, please contact me via email at: a.m.olthof@hva.nl.
1st promotor
Prof. dr. Somaya Ben Allouch
- University of Amsterdam
Human-System Interaction for Health and Wellbeing
2nd promotor
Prof. dr. ir. Jouke Verlinden - University of Antwerp
Augmented Fabrication, Design Research

About me
This project is a PhD project (2022 – 2027) at the University of Amsterdam and University of Antwerp. It is funded by the Dutch Research Council and supported by the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences as part of a doctoral grant for teachers.